Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Heart of a Slave

"I made this piece for the woman I admire most"


Like a bird wandering, searching
For a seamless place to nest
Found a kingdom in the wilderness
I take a crack to humbly serve

A king and queen of congruence
Great love and respect securely binds
Blessed with a charming, smart, loving
And God-fearing princess so kind

With qualities everyone admires
My mind is filled with illusions
To serve is an immense honor
And my dreary heart rejoice

To see her completes the day
But at night is agony
As imagined things I dream
Will always remain a dream

Wish I am another kingdoms prince
With much possessions as they gained
So I could easily say what I really feel
And show how much I care

A love that is kept through the years
Shall remain like night of deep silence
To be known I have no courage
For what I have is a heart of a slave

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